Friday, June 24, 2011

Euskara with Abarne

Before we picked her up, Abarne taught Spanish in Moscow, Idaho for nine months. We were looking for an Euskara instructor, she heard about it in Idaho, and here we are! After camp ends, she is also looking to work in an Ikastola (Basque language school) in Iparralde (northern provinces of Euskal Herria). She clearly loves Euskara.

Here are some more fun things we've learned about Abarne...
Likes: the Basque language, being Basque, eating Basque food, Lekeitio, being asked where in the Basque Country she's from
Dislikes: cheese, cinnamon, Idaho winters, being asked where in Spain she's from

We've been hearing lots of positive feedback from the kids about how fun her class is. Abarne keeps learning Euskara fun through learning songs and playing (some very active) games. The campers are learning greetings, how to respond to basic questions like "What is your name?" and "Where are you from?", colors, and numbers. Abarne breaks up the fun and games with lessons in reading and pronunciation. To practice, they sing both traditional and more contemporary songs together. Their favorite so far is "Maite Zaitut," a perky song that originated on a children's TV show. On the show, the song is sung by clowns. Hmm... Come to think of it, that's probably why they like it. Solidarity and all...

Joleen, Mathieu, Julia, and Rebecca learning "Hegoak"

Emma, Alex, Manny, Sabrina, and Joleen learning "Lau Teilatu"

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